A nice read, but I don't think a G5 Powerbook is going to happen yet. I agree that it would be for the top of the line 17-inch model when it appears. I would love to see an overhauled AppleWorks, but again I don't see it this time around. I don't think there'll be a flash-based iPod either, as the iPod is in massive demand as it is. So, what DO I think?
All pure speculation, just a bit of fun. The main thrust will be Tiger and Pro users - there have been updates to iBooks & iMacs recently, and with the iPod going amazingly well, the consumers are already well taken care of.
1. Tiger demo, with updated Mail, iCal, iChat, iLife etc.
2. Speed-bumped Xserves.
3. Speed-bumped PowerBooks.
4. The removal of the dual 1.8 G5. There will be an update to the low-end 1.6 to make it 1.8. This leaves single 1.8, dual 2.0 and dual 2.5, with more shipping. There won't be a new top-end PowerMac, as there is a backlog for delivering the current top-end model.
I expect that the eMac line will be updated before the show with an updated eMac. Still G4, but with Airport Extreme built in, like the iBook.
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